Russia, Iran, Turkey Sign on 'De-Escalation Zones' in Syria

Russia, Iran, Turkey Sign on 'De-Escalation Zones' in Syria

BEIRUT ;Íran,Turkey, Persia associated Russia have signed an agreement business for the fixing of 4 “de-escalation zones” in destroyed Syria within the latest conceive to scale back violence within the Arab country.
But as officers from the 3 countries backing rival sides within the conflict signed the agreement on weekday at the Syria armistice talks in Kazak, some members of the Syrian opposition delegation yelled in protest and walked out of the room in capital, the Kazakh capital.
The opposition has protested Iran’s participation at the conference, inculpatory  it of being a celebration within the war that’s killed some four 100000 people.
The Kazak agreement imply fixing four zones in northern, central and southern Syria. However, no details were provided regarding however violence are reduced in these areas.

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